Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Shoulda Woulda Coulda's

In typical "Meadow" fashion I have been continually going over my interview with the girls from Truther Talk blogradio.
Before the interview, I prepared.  I "met" with hosts April Boden and Virstyne Henry via Skype...I've known April for a few years now, but it was nice to get reacquainted.
I went over key topics in my mind.  I wanted to be sure I was mentally prepared for topics.  I went over books, and essays, and articles.
In the time between the pre-interview and interview, my health plunged quickly, spiraling downward and seemingly out of my control.  I seriously contemplated cancelling, but then I would have to admit what was happening, and that was too scary.  I chose to fight to regain my health.  (That's another story)
We made a few scheduling changes, and by none other than the grace of God, I regained my strength and ability, for the most part, to participate in this interview.
Although I've been doing this blog for quite a few years, and divulge personal stories, sadness, and triumphs.....I was most worried about how the listeners would evaluate me.
First thing to hate (on my list), is my accent.  I HATE talking like a Wisconsinite...truly...and am more than happy to chime in with the y'alls down here in Texas.  I worried about my pronunciation.  I was worried if I would say "steeevia" or  "steh-via".
Then, I worried I would go off topic, or forget to completely answer a question (which I did).
I worried I would lose my train of thought (which I did) and forget my point (which I did).

Without a degree or career-years under my belt, I also worry people will say I lack credibility, which is what really gets to me. 

I have been doing this autism thing for 15 years.  Me.  Not therapists, not ABA.  Not books, not groups.  Me.  And I think Tristen is an outstanding young man. No sitters, no respite.  And very little spousal support.
A blend of spiritual guidance, and daily non-stop practice with my own autistic son, made me an excellent paraprofessional because that experience gave me a unique way of understanding autistic children.  This can not be learned in an autism training class and does not come with a degree to hang on my wall.
It's just me.  Doing what makes sense.  Caring endlessly for children with autism.  And giving it my all.
I am so blessed to have Truther Talk air some of my personal journey.  I feel guilty that I said the wrong things or should have said more...or less....but the time to worry is over.
The truth is, these are the facts of my life, whether interesting or not....it is what it is.  I share them in hopes of helping others.
So, I have decided to launch a new blog....
I want to keep true to "Autism and Health".  I want it to be a place where caregivers can go and get ideas of different methods for helping autistic children.
"The Green Bean Girl" is going to be more about me, my political opinions, rants, irritations, or questions in general.  Also, I am going to track my health journey. 
I will continue to keep up with Tristen's health, and in all reality, it is intertwined.  It is hard to take "Meadow" out of autism, because so much of who I am is because of autism.  But I feel strongly I should have a more neutral blog for people who want to help autistic individuals, and I don't want them leaving the site as soon as they see something political.
Anyone interested in both can find more at http://greenbeangirl34.blogspot.com/
And check out my interview with the lovely ladies from Truther Talk on 11/6 !!!

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