One at a time. Simplify. Break down into small steps. Be Patient.
Tips for Directing Autistic Children:
1) Give them one direction at a time and be specific. If you need him/her to clean up their desk after snack, tell him/her to first take their cup to the sink. Wait for him/her to complete the task. Then, tell them to throw away their napkin. Wait for task to be completed. Finish by telling them to push in their chair. Do this in the same order each time. This causes them to be successful rather than just saying "clean up your desk" and walking away, which will cause the child to fail at the task.
2) One thing in their hands at a time. If the child needs to put his/her things away in their locker, hand each item to them separately and in the same order each time. First, jacket. Once they have it hung up, hand them the next item. One at a time is much easier...for them it is to think when too many things are in their hands or too many general directions are given at once.
3) Do things the same as much as possible. Take the same route to the same locations. Use the same words each time so they become familiar with them.
4) Kids on the spectrum love TV shows and movies to be enjoyed over and over again because they are predictable and animated. They like knowing what is going to come next, and they also like the over-acting or exaggerated dialogue in children's shows. Use the same language to encourage good behavior. For example, if a child has completed a task, give them praise in a silly accent in an exaggerated way. They will look for that praise and come to enjoy it!
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